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Air quality - M5Stack version

Référence : 3760327670429

249.17€ HT 299€ IVA INCLUSA

The air quality kit includes all the elements to carry out numerous measurements concerning air quality. Leggi di più

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The air quality kit includes all the elements to carry out numerous measurements concerning air quality. These measurements can be compared to those of your Approved Air Quality Monitoring Association!

You will be able to measure the temperature and the humidity of the air but also the volatile organic compounds and the content of CO, CH4 and NO2. You will also be able to quantify fine suspended particles of sizes PM 10, 2.5 and 1.


  • a user guide,
  • a microcontroller (M5Stack Core 1) with screen and integrated battery
  • a GPS module for M5stack
  • HM3301 sensor: fine particles (PM10, 2.5 and 1)
  • MICS6814 sensor: gas (NO2, CH4, CO)
  • SHT31 sensor: humidity and temperature
  • an I2C power strip
  • a microSD card
  • microSD-USB adapter
  • 3D file to download for the construction of a box

The resources of this kit are produced in partnership with the Sorbonne University and the AirLiquide Foundation

Manufacturer: Vittascience

Reference: 3760327670429